A section 8 company which earlier was known as section 25 company is a legal form for non profit organizations (NPO) or Non Governmental organizations (NGO). Section 8 company is licensed company which is authorized to work anywhere in the country.
Section 8 company is suitable for non-profit objective and it may a private limited or a public limited company. As per law in case the proposed section 8 company is a private limited then minimum two promoters is required, however in case it is a public limited section 8 company then minimum 7 person must be the promoters of the company. A ‘Section 8 Company’ is eligible for certain exemptions from provisions of law and a concessional rate of fees. The process of incorporation of a section 8 company is similar to that of any other company registration in India with an additional requirement of seeking a prior license from the central government under section 8 of the companies act, 2013.
Section 8 company registration process requires at-least 7 people to start with. Further, there is no limit for initial capital and hence, it may be started with Rs.10,000.
- No minimum capital requirement
- Income Tax exemption
- Best form to start your NGO/NPO
- Can accept donations
- Name Application Through RUN (Reserve Unique Name)
- License For Section 8 Company
- Digital Signature of Directors
- DIN No Application
- Drafting MOA & AOA
- Incorporation Through Spice Forms
- Share Certificates to Founder
- Bank A/c Opening Guidance
- Certificate of Commencement of Business
For Directors/Shareholders :
- Passport size photos of directors
- Address proof of directors ( Any one of electricity bill or bank statement or landline bill or mobile bill )
- Self declaration about your directorship in other companies
- Aadhaar card of directors
- PAN card of Directors
For Registered Office :
- Rent agreement / Electricity bill of your registered office
- No objection certificate from the owner

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Blood bank
Environment protection
Other objects for general public utility
On the other hand, the trust registration is done at the local SDM office and generally takes Rs.6000 to register. However, Section 8 company is more authentic and offers more satisfaction and trust to the general public.
All Services
- Income Tax Return
- GST Registration
- GST Return
- Private Limited Company
- One Person Company
- Section 8 Company
- Nidhi Company
- Partnership Registration
- MSME Registration
- Shop License
- Import Export Code
- P-Tax Registration
- FSSAI Registration
- Trademark Registration
- ESIC Registration
- PF Registration
- Digital Signature